Alien: Romulus
Alien: Romulus is a refreshing new installment of the Alien franchise, with our new protagonist Rain and her Android brother Andy. The story follows a crew that just wants an escape from the mining colony life that they lead, and in the process, they discover some dark secrets that are better left buried. What follows is The Good, The Bad, and The Spoilers of Alien: Romulus The Good Alien: Romulus is an amazing return to form for the Alien franchise, with horror and scares emulating the original movie. This is the first alien movie in a long time that, in my opinion, succeeds in making the aliens scary again. The visual effects are impressive, with little to no uncanny scenes. The story, while simple on paper, is very well executed, expanding upon the world of Alien while introducing some new concepts. Generally in horror films, the characters often make decisions that cause intelligent audiences to groan. In this film however, the characters are more relatable, which makes the scar