Trap is a thriller by the acclaimed director M. Night Shyamalan, famous for “The Sixth Sense” and “Split.” In Trap, a father and his daughter are stuck in a concert, revealed to be a set-up to uncover a serial killer.  The plot unfurls as the dad, Cooper, who we quickly find out is the killer, attempts to escape the concert while maintaining his façade with his daughter. Tensions are high as he creates more outrageous schemes to evade his captors.

What follows is The Good, The Bad, and The Spoilers of Trap.

The Good

Josh Hartnett does a fantastic job playing the vaguely off-putting revealed-to-be serial killer Cooper. He shows the side of Cooper, who loves his family, while demonstrating his quick-thinking and sociopathic tendencies. The movie was entertaining as there were constantly changing circumstances, and Cooper had to adjust his plans. It encouraged the audience to guess what would happen next as events unfolded. Viewers will enjoy the exciting events that unfold. The setting is attractive as it takes place in an unconventional location: a concert. The music at the concert was all written by Shyamalan’s daughter, and it is decent. The concept is overall unique.

The Bad

Unfortunately, the unique concept was not executed as well as it could’ve been. The movie felt largely unrealistic in multiple ways. As the film progresses, it grows more outlandish and may leave viewers feeling jaded. The setup for the sequel feels incredibly forced and is the most blatant demonstration of the former complaints. The typical Shyamalan twist holds no punch as the reveal is lacking and not all that shocking. Along with this, Cooper’s backstory is poorly developed and clichéd.  The story fell flat, especially as it continued to rely on improbable events. Viewers may find the lack of intelligence from side characters frustrating. They increasingly make poor decisions that most would not believe are realistic.

My Overall Opinion

I give Trap a disappointing 3/10.

While Trap has an exciting concept, it doesn’t hold up to the expected quality of an M. Night Shyamalan film. The plot holes are constant and distracting. This, combined with the lackluster twist and tedious third act, makes the film mediocre at best. The acting from Josh Harnett is impressive and makes Cooper more interesting. What truly ruined Trap was the mind-numbingly unrealistic setup for a sequel. I only recommend this film for viewers who don’t mind plot holes and are willing to watch a thriller with a unique concept but unfortunate execution.

Review for written by Kendall Carey


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